Sunday 12 January 2014

Broken table leg :((((

When unpacking tens of the boxes it’s almost impossible to go without any damage. And here we are, few days before Christmas with very wobbly table leg. When we removed the leg, it turned out that the holes for the nuts were worn out. The bolts were loose and the leg wasn’t stable anymore.
DIY fixing broken table leg

The leg isn’t made of real wood but composite wood material made from mixed recycled items cut into small pieces. They are mixed with sawdust or other wood products and blended with certain fillers and stabilizers.
Adding to the problem, we had small crack going between both nut holes which we discovered before and tried to make it stronger by screwing two small screws. So we couldn’t fix it by using bigger screws as the crack could cause the leg to split into two parts.
Our befriended carpenter advised us to use one of the traditional methods, which apparently has been used  for centuries J
This’s how we done it:
1-      Prepare small pieces of cloth or some fabrics
DIY fixing broken table leg

DIY fixing broken table leg

2-      Wrap the nut of the screw with that cloth to fill the gap in the hole
DIY fixing broken table leg

3-      Put a lot of wood adhesive into the hole and on the clothing wrapped around the nut
DIY fixing broken table leg

4-      Place it into the hole and screw it in

DIY fixing broken table leg

5-      Clean excess of the glue with wet clean cloth
DIY fixing broken table leg

6-      Wait until the glue is set

So far so good!! We had our Christmas dinner by the very stable table J

Saturday 4 January 2014

Change of the address!

Moving house can be stressful. I've been packing/unpacking stuff for months now and can't see the end of it. Someone told me, if you have a box that you haven't unpack for a year that means you should get rid of it because you don't need it. And I promised myself to do that ;)
Another thing that gives me a headache right now is trying to remember long list of companies and organisations that I need to inform about changing the address. Luckily we try to go paperless with as many companies as possible so the list shouldn't be too long.
We came across the website that helps to make changing of the address as simply as possible. It works  really well, can confirm :)) You simply type in both addresses:
of the place that you leaving and moving into and choose companies that you want to inform about it. They have huge database. All on one website. Great!!!   Highly recommend !!!

Thursday 2 January 2014

2014 To-Do list

New Year - new resolutions!!! we have got one- to concentrate on our house. Make our dream come true. It will take lots of hard work but it will be worth it. As I mentioned earlier the to-do list is endless. To make it slightly less depressing we decided to make the 2014 To-Do list and slowly work of it. The plan is to finish renovating first floor which includes 3 bedrooms, separate toilet room, bathroom, staircase. We also planning on insulating our loft after discovering that it has no insulation what's so ever.
We hoping to slowly start crossing things off the list.........

Master bedroom
Removing chimney breast
Stripping of the wallpaper
Moving ceiling light
Re-plastering walls
Building wardrobe with sliding doors
Painting window trims
Fitting blinds
Changing door
New carpet

Second bedroom
Stripping of the wallpaper
Moving ceiling light
Re-plastering wall
Changing door
Painting front door of the wardrobe
Painting window trim
Fitting blind

Small bedroom
Stripping of the wallpaper
Moving ceiling light
Re-plastering wall
Changing door
Painting window trim
Fitting blind

Bathroom - Joining separate toilet and bathroom together
Removing wall between WC / bathroom
Removing radiator from the above mentioned wall
Fitting new doors
Moving window to the right to create space for the shower
Replacing toilet, basin and bathtub
Removing carpet ( YES, carpet!! ) and prepare the floor for the tiles
Fitting floor heating
New wall and floor tiles

Removing paint from handrails
Replacing baluster with glass panels
Moving ceiling light over the stairs.
New carpet

Wednesday 1 January 2014

Happy New Year everyone !!

It happened ;)

Hurray!!! We moved in!!! Finally, after months of paper work and endless phone calls we managed to move in just before Christmas.
Welcome to our blog where we going to share our experience of making this house our home....Our Sweet Home. List of things to do is endless so I can assure you that we should be able to entertain you for years. Hopefully you will find some helpful info here as well.
1930s semi-detached house