Saturday 4 January 2014

Change of the address!

Moving house can be stressful. I've been packing/unpacking stuff for months now and can't see the end of it. Someone told me, if you have a box that you haven't unpack for a year that means you should get rid of it because you don't need it. And I promised myself to do that ;)
Another thing that gives me a headache right now is trying to remember long list of companies and organisations that I need to inform about changing the address. Luckily we try to go paperless with as many companies as possible so the list shouldn't be too long.
We came across the website that helps to make changing of the address as simply as possible. It works  really well, can confirm :)) You simply type in both addresses:
of the place that you leaving and moving into and choose companies that you want to inform about it. They have huge database. All on one website. Great!!!   Highly recommend !!!

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